! ! Kapoor, Utkarsh ! ! Email: utkarsh.kapoor@okstate.edu ! ! Other Contributor: Jindal K. Shah ! ! U. Kapoor and J. K. Shah "Molecular Simulation Investigation of Pure and Mixed Gas Absorption in a Non-Ideal Binary Ionic Liquid Mixture" manuscript in preparation ! ! ! This is the input file for a simulation of [C4mim]Cl_x[NTf2]_{1-x}+CO2 with x = 0.5 # Run_Name equi_hmimnf2t !-------------------------------All output files will be created by this name # Sim_Type gemc_npt !-------------------------------This is type of simulation. # Nbr_Species 3 !-------------------------------Total number of species: 3 for IL + CO2 # VDW_Style LJ cut_tail 16.0 LJ cut_tail 30.0 !------------------------------- LJ cut-off # Mixing_Rule LB !------------------------------ LJ interaction parameters # Charge_Style coul Ewald 16.0 1E-5 coul Ewald 30.0 1E-5 !-------------------- coulombic cut-off with maximum precision # Rcutoff_Low 0.5 !-------------------------- Tolerance # Molecule_Files HMIM.mcf 300 NTF2.mcf 300 CO2.mcf 500 !-------------------- Total number of molecules of each species !----------------------------------------------------------one line per species # Box_Info 2 cubic 67 cubic 100.0 !-------------------------------------------------------line 1: number of boxes !--------------------------------------------------------------line 2: box type (liquid) !--------------------------------------------------------------line 3: box size (gas) !--------------------------------------------------------------repeat for second box # Temperature_Info 300.0 300.0 !----------------------------------------------------------one temperature per box # Pressure_Info 1.0 1.0 !------------------------ Pressure at which absorption isotherm is predicted # Move_Probability_Info # Prob_Translation 0.30 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 12.0 !---------------------Thermal move !--------------------- Probability !--------------------- Maximum translation (Automatic optimization during simulation) # Prob_Rotation 0.30 60.0 60.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 180.0 !---------------------Thermal move !--------------------- Probability !--------------------- Maximum translation (Automatic optimization during simulation) # Prob_Regrowth 0.30 0.45 0.45 0.1 !---------------------Thermal move !--------------------- Probability !--------------------- Maximum translation (Automatic optimization during simulation) # Prob_Volume 0.005 200.0 200.0 !---------------------Volume move (equality of pressure) - both box volumes vary independently !--------------------- Probability !--------------------- Maximum Volume Change (Automatic optimization during simulation) # Prob_Swap 0.095 none none cbmc !---------------------Insertion/deletion move (equality of chemical potential) !--------------------- Probability !--------------------- species that can move from one box to another. IL cannot, no vapor pressure. # Done_Probability_Info !---------------------one line for each box and one entry/line for each species !-----------------------------------------each molecule moves per volume change # Start_Type read_config 300 300 4 box.xyz make_config 0 0 496 !--------make_config: one line for each species and one entry/line for each box !------------------------------------------------------------read_old: filename !----------------------------------------------------------checkpoint: filename # Run_Type equilibration 1000 50 !-------------------------Equilibration: update maximum widths every 1000 steps/update maximum !-------------------------volume displacement every 50 steps # Simulation_Length_Info units steps prop_freq 5000 coord_freq 100000 run 10000000 !------------------ !---------------------------------------Total number of steps = 25 million Monte Carlo steps # Seed 625182111 625182112 !--------------------------------------- Seeds for Random number generator # Property_Info 1 Energy_Total Density Nmols Volume Pressure !-------------------------------------- Properties of interest # Property_Info 2 Energy_Total Density Nmols Volume Pressure !-------------------------------------- Properties of interest # CBMC_Info kappa_ins 12 kappa_dih 12 rcut_cbmc 6.5 6.5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pair_Energy TRUE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Verbose Logfile TRUE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fragment_Files species1/frag1/frag1.dat 1 species1/frag2/frag2.dat 2 species1/frag3/frag3.dat 3 species1/frag4/frag4.dat 4 species1/frag5/frag5.dat 5 species1/frag6/frag6.dat 6 species1/frag7/frag7.dat 7 species1/frag8/frag8.dat 8 species2/frag1/frag1.dat 9 species2/frag2/frag2.dat 10 species2/frag3/frag3.dat 11 species2/frag4/frag4.dat 12 species2/frag5/frag5.dat 13 species3/frag1/frag1.dat 14 !---------------------------------------------------------one line per fragment END